
MonoPhobia : Overview, Insights, and Treatment

What is Monophobia?

While all forms of anxiety and panic disorders are taxing, Monophobia is one of the most exhausting because it directly involves the relationships of the one who suffers. Monophobia is described as the fear of being alone, and can go by other names such as Isolaphobia, Autophobia, and Eremophobia. The sufferer often is terrified to leave the presence a certain trusted individuals: romantic partners, friends, or family members. Sometimes the phobia can be a more general fear of being alone, and the sufferer feels an uncontrollable need to be around people, regardless of who they are.

There is no specific picture of what Monophobia looks like. If the person has the more general fear of being alone, they may not show symptoms of social anxiety or fear of crowds. The person often does have these additional anxieties, however, which amplifies their fears. The sufferer in the latter sense not only can’t be left alone, but needs a trusted individual to venture out into public. For this person, there seems to be no end to their suffering.

Common Causes

Monophobia can occur for various reasons, and it’s not always an easy task to pin down why. If you suffer from Monophobia, finding the root of your fear is just as important as finding relief. Phobias are psychological. They are always indicative of deeper emotional imbalances, so it’s absolutely imperative to uncover the unique reasons for your pain.

–Like many phobias, Monophobia can usually be traced back to childhood. A traumatic event like losing or being abandoned by a loved one is one of the top causes. If this is the case, the individual has created a psychological association of loss/abandonment with physically being alone.

–A history of codependency can morph into full-blown Monophobia.

–Depending on the situations when you’re most afraid to be alone, Monophobia can be caused by social anxiety, constant fear of emergencies, severe depression, feelings of worthlessness, and a lack of self-confidence.

Trust your intuition. Even if you need to have someone next to you, sit quietly and think about your fears. Close your eyes and let the fear wash over you. This will be uncomfortable, but I promise, you will be okay. You’ll be better, in fact, once you identify the root of your phobias. Really think about why you’re terrified of being alone. The first things that come to mind will, undoubtedly, be some of the causes for your fear. Once you’ve nailed down some causes, you’ll be able to start moving forward. Write or record your thoughts on this exercise.


–Feeling lightheaded, unsteady, or dizzy
–Heart palpitations, pounding or racing heart
–Chest pain or discomfort
–Dry mouth
–Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath
–Trembling or shaking
–Numbness and tingling sensation
–Confusion or disorientation
–Fear of losing control
–Panic, terror, anxiety

How Monophobia Effects Life and Relationships

Anxiety usually involves fears of burdening others, and unfortunately, Monophobia often does. Someone in the clutches of the fear has two choices: have panic attacks and constant sever anxiety complete with fear of death, or beg a loved one to stay with them. This phobia can be so controlling that sufferers sometimes can’t even go to the bathroom alone. Individuals suffering from Monophobia can quickly wear out the people they rely on to keep them company, which can cause resentment to grow.
The combined symptoms can make life completely unmanageable. Severe Monophobia can wreck havoc on relationships and careers. For someone who feels they always need a trusted individual with them, it makes holding a job nearly impossible.

Finding Treatment and Relief: The Road to Recovery

Traditional methods include medication and counseling. Understand that medication is not a cure for Monophobia. The best Meds can do for you is temporarily reduce symptoms, but offer nothing long term. Meeting with a psychologist can be beneficial, but it can take time to find one you’re compatible with, and unless you have the best health insurance, sessions will be numerous and expensive.

Here are some options that aren’t as well-known and are more beneficial than drugs:

-Practice meditation and breathing exercises.) Guided meditations designed specifically to relieve anxiety and fear work wonders.
–  Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis: Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness that suspends conscious thinking, so that new thought patterns can be applied to the subconscious quickly. Pursuing hypnotherapy will most likely require fewer sessions than traditional sessions with a psychologist. Self-hypnosis can be studied online or through books.
– Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP): NLP considers how we create our own reality. NLP suggest that fears and anxieties occur because of our subconscious programming, and in order to remedy this, we have to re-program ourselves. This is considered a highly efficient and quick therapy.
Desensitization or exposure therapy: This involves slowly weening yourself off of the dependence on another’s presence in order to feel safe. Sessions of time alone that will increase in length help expose sufferers to a safe reality of being alone.
– Chat rooms and community support groups: If you’re fortunate enough to live in a city with support groups assisting phobia sufferers, definitely take advantage of this. Online chat rooms are always a great option for talking about your fears and connecting with others that have similar anxieties.
– Keep a journal or audio files: Somehow record your feelings when you start feeling your phobia flare up. Upon review, you’ll most likely be able to identify similar situations or triggers that are causing the increase in fear. This process is extremely insightful.
– Talk to someone who’s been there: Find someone that has experienced and recovered from Monophobia. This will lock in your confidence that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that you truly are not alone.

It’s best to use a combination of these treatment methods. Emotional and psychological work is the hardest work out there, but it is absolutely worth it. It’s worth working hard in exchange for a life free of fear, don’t you think?

You can do this.

Have you or someone you know suffered from Monophobia? What is like, and what methods were used in recovery?

One last thing…

If you have any questions please let me know by posting in the comments below I’ll do my best to answer them as much as I can.
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